Course: Weekly Tafseer of Quran for Ladies in En...
Text lesson

What is Tafsir?

The word Tafsir is derived from the root ‘Fassar’ which means to clarify or to explain. This contextually refers to clarification of the meaning of the Quran.

Tafsir is the scholarly interpretation and commentary on the Quranic text. It involves explaining the meanings, context, and teachings found in the Quranic verses. Tafsir provides insights into the theological, moral, and legal aspects of the Quran and helps us understand the message of the Quran 

Three Primary Reasons for the Revelation of the Quran

  1. Recitation and Worship: The Quran was revealed to be recited as an act of worship. Recitation alone, while important, is not the sole purpose of the Quran’s revelation. It serves as a means of connecting with Allah and reflecting on His words.

  2. Understanding Its Meanings: The Quran is meant to be understood. This requires knowledge and contemplation. The companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) exemplified this by not moving on to the next set of verses until they had thoroughly understood and implemented the current ones.

  3. Acting According to Its Teachings: Acting upon the teachings of the Quran involves implementing its commandments and avoiding its prohibitions. This is considered the most challenging aspect, as it demands both belief and action in alignment with the Quran’s guidance.


In sha Allah  in this course we will understand the meaning of Quran and learn to act according to its teaching.